Congrats 2

Cheers to the successful start of the HackTheBusiness competition in Greece

ENTREPRENEDU team marked a successful start of the second HackTheBusiness competition, this time in Greece! In this article, we are revealing our finalists and showcasing backstage moments from the first phase of the competition.

About the HackTheBusiness competition

HackTheBusiness is a series of three ideation contests for young minds to learn, explore and discover secrets of business! The second HackTheBusiness competition was held in Greece and encouraged participants to join EDU and the ENTREPRENEDU team on a adventure in space! Let us explain…

A weekend to HackTheBusiness

Starting from 3d November and concluding on 5th November, our participants had a weekend to hack the business… and what a weekend that was! After a warm welcome by our team, HackTheBusiness participants were presented with a challenge to pitch an innovative solution related to space technologies! They had around 48 hours to work on their ideas with the support of ENTREPRENEDU mentors, who delivered several sessions on different business aspects and helped our participants to make their ideas pitch-perfect!

At the end, in total 68 participants divided in 18 teams joined us across four locationsNational Technical University of Athens, University of Thessaly, Democritus University of Thrace, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – and showcased their space-oriented business concepts. ENTREPRENEDU team and jury members were amazed by the creativity of our participants, but we all knew that only some of them could become HackTheBusiness finalists and join us in Athens.

Meet the top 10 teams

After three days of hard work and having fun, the time has come to announce the winners and their innovative space-solutions:

    • UNIWA ICE team,
    • MicrosatLab team,
    • Groundwater team,
    • Luminous team,
    • Spa/c team,
    • Ocean Defenders team,
    • Exke team,
    • PPD Control team,
    • KORI team,
    • Prometheus Auth team.

    And remember, it’s not all about the competition, it’s about the opportunity to gain business experience, learn something new, get feedback directly from experts, expand your business network and of course, have fun. This is what means to HackTheBusiness with us! That is why, ENTREPRENEDU team congratulates to all HackTheBusiness participants on their entrepreneurial spirtis and innovative thinking!



    What’s next?

    Winning teams will now have time to enhance their ideas even more with the support of our mentors, before we all meet again to HackTheBusiness in Athens, on November 25. 

    Until then, cheers!


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